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1. Additionally, data analysis was performed within the constraints of the sponsors original study design and data capture, including the inability for comprehensive baseline pathogen identification or specific bacterial resistance phenotype. These considerations do not impact conclusions about the utility of an ACM+ endpoint or the development of an nv HABP PRO. In summary, these analyses produced useful insights into future HABP/VABP study design options that could provide flexibility to sponsors, improve study feasibility, and maintain scientific rigor. Presented in part: 28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Madrid, Spain, 2124 April 2018 and American Society for Microbiology Microbe, Atlanta GA, 47 June 2018. In addition, details of the work were submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration docket: Considerations for Clinical Trial Design for the Study of Hospital Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia and Ventilator Associated Bacteria Pneumonia.

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This brings us to a subject about the cons of distance education, where we could find a big obstacle in the lack of socializing processes every day, that comes with a slow development of social skills and a difficult formation of personality. This also could cause a lot of stress and depression to those extroverted people who can not adapt themselves to quiet, alone, and calm environments. Another problem that especially university students can find at distance education, is the absence of help from their teachers or any specialist. As long as they have just the exact amount of time required of contact with their tutors, they are always gonna need more information, explanation, and structural material in some of the academic obligations. A lot of subjects, especially in exact sciences, such as Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Engineering, Mechanics, and so on, need to be explained and shown personally, by experimenting or more alive lectures, where students could ask and develop any doubt and the most little details. Luckily, nowadays, there are a lot of online teachers, courses, and companies that provide students with academic assistance, for example, one of the most prestigious that we have found is hazmitrabajo. es Trabajos universitarios, TFMs, TFGs; a company that provides students from Spain and other Spanish speaking countries with any type of academic assistance in any subject on any level of education, from middle school assistance to PhD degrees, any student can order any type of help, with more than 600 specialties and a base of 800 experts, is one of the most extensive academic assistance. We have seen, the most important pros and cons of distance education, no doubt, that socially speaking, especially for the children, is going to be a really hard time, so lets hope, the situation could get better and students could all go back to normal times of education, but in the other hand, the technology, we have nowadays, allows us to learn in any part of the world, in any environment and provide us more information than ever, so distance education has proved to be a big win for humanity, especially in times of coronavirus. PHD en Ciencias de la Educacin y docente parcial de la Universidad Catlica de Valencia San Vicente Mrtir. Un profesor con aos de experiencia en la importante tarea de la educacin, ha dedicado su vida a su profesin, convirtindose esta en su pasin. Education reform is a challenge for every country.

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A Dec. 2004 paper by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research found Floridas 2002 initiative to end social promotion, holding back students who failed year end standardized tests, improved those students scores by 9% in math and 4% in reading after one year. Prominent testing critic Diane Ravitch, Research Professor of Education at New York University, concedes standardized testing has value: Testing is not the problem information derived from tests can be extremely valuable, if the tests are valid and reliable. She cites the National Assessment of Educational Progress NAEP as a positive example, and says tests can inform educational leaders and policy makers about the progress of the education system as a whole. After No Child Left Behind NCLB passed in 2002, the US slipped from 18th in the world in math on the Programme for International Student Assessment PISA to 31st place in 2009, with a similar drop in science and no change in reading. A May 26, 2011, National Research Council report found no evidence test based incentive programs are working: Despite using them for several decades, policymakers and educators do not yet know how to use test based incentives to consistently generate positive effects on achievement and to improve education. A study published by the Brookings Institution found that 50 80% of year over year test score improvements were temporary and caused by fluctuations that had nothing to do with long term changes in learning First Lady Michelle Obama, who attended Princeton University, has said that she struggled with standardized testing. She once told a group of students, Dont let those tests define you. English language learners take tests in English before they have mastered the language. Special education students take the same tests as other children, receiving few of the accommodations usually provided to them as part of their Individualized Education Plans IEP. According to late education researcher Gerald W.

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